A Ceramic Floor in Lynnwood Got the Best Service from Our Grout Cleaning Techs
May 17, 2023
Our specialists provided the ideal solution to revive the floors of this home. For weeks, the floor's grout had soil, grime, and other elements sticking to the unsealed surface. The homeowner made constant attempts to get the stains off the floor, but none of her efforts paid off; the grout got darker by the day, and the tiles looked considerably duller.
Fortunately, the homeowner found Sir Grout Seattle online less than a month after spotting the first signs of trouble on her floor. She'd already been toying with the idea of hiring a grout cleaning company in Lynnwood, so she took it as a sign. She didn't rush through her research, reading as much as she could about our restoration services and looking through the results in our picture gallery. When she was satisfied, the homeowner clicked on the "Schedule a Free Quote" button to ask for an in-home evaluation.
Our techs visited her house before the end of that week. They were led to the living area and from there, it was easy to see the source of the problem. The grout's sealant had worn off long ago, and the grout lines had absorbed all the dirt left from spills, foot traffic, and other external conditions. The ceramic tiles also looked worse for wear, with faint marks that weekly cleaning hadn't managed to fully erase. As our techs told the client, traditional cleaners do little to restore a dirty surface. Instead, they create a foamy film that keeps the dirt more firmly attached to the grout and tiles. Since there was no structural damage on the surface, a grout cleaning and sealing service would be enough to restore its original appearance, but Sir Grout's special equipment was still essential to ensure a thorough process. Our techs offered to return in a few days with the necessary tools to get the job done in a single session, so the client agreed to schedule a new appointment with our crew.
We didn't keep her waiting for long. Our techs returned only a few days later to work on the floor. They started by cleaning the surface with a high-quality pH-neutral cleaner. After soaking the floors and letting the product sit for a few minutes, our specialists removed all the loose stains, using a high-speed scrubber to ensure nothing was left behind. Sir Grout's exclusive cleaning formula removes dirt, liquids, mold, and other stains quickly and efficiently without opening the grout pores or increasing a homeowner's efforts to scrub off the dirt. Because of this, it was no hardship for our techs to prep the surface for the next step of the process.
At this point in the process, they applied ColorSeal on all the grout lines, restoring their natural color and visual appeal. Our sealant creates a protective layer that keeps dirt, mold, mildew, soil, grease and other elements from adhering to the grout pores.
Soon enough, the floor had regained all its beauty, and our techs only needed to buff it one last time to get the desired effect before showing her the floor's final look. They called the client back into the living room and let her enjoy the results of our restoration process. She was amazed; the clean tiles and the white grout created the perfect combination, giving the floor that lively touch that had been missing. After thanking our crew, the homeowner promised to recommend our services all over the Lynnwood area.
Our techs ended the appointment with a series of useful cleaning tips. First, they told the client that using chemical cleaners can damage a surface. To remove these risks and make cleaning more effective, they recommended using pH-neutral products like Sir Grout's Natural Hard Surface Cleaner. Unlike bleach and soap-based formulas, our product preserves grout and ceramic surfaces against discoloration, wear, and tear, etc. It does a better job of removing dirt and doesn't weaken the sealant, no matter how many times you have to use it in high-traffic areas. Our specialists also recommended using non-abrasive tools to clean the tiles without scratching the ceramic. Either a mop, a towel, or a terry cloth can remove the stains without subjecting the tiles to excessive scrubbing, as long as you don't leave the dirt sitting on the surface for too long. Our last recommendation was to mind the room's ventilation as a way to prevent moisture buildup. Our techs instructed the client to open the windows a few hours a day and to keep a closer look at dark and narrow areas where mold was more likely to spread.
Let Sir Grout Seattle surprise you with the most thorough grout cleaning and restoration services. No matter the extent of the damage, our specialists have the necessary resources to give your floors what they need, whether you're dealing with dirty grout, scratched tiles, or something else entirely. You can call (206) 809-8083 or click on the "Schedule a Free Quote" button to schedule an appointment, so don't hesitate to get in touch with our specialists. Likewise, remember to subscribe to our newsletter to learn more about our latest info and promotions. Get the best hard surface restoration service from Sir Grout Seattle.